Goddess Boon
By Oeni · BrawlBack to guides
Welcome to Oeni’s Brawl Gazette, “Goddess Boon” edition! If you are completely new to the Brawl, be sure to read the Brawl guide before moving on with this week’s challenge.
This week, all Frostling units benefit from an extra +4 strength on top of their initial strength.
The +4 strength buff is significant enough to give all other factions trouble, so I honestly can’t recommend playing anything but winter. At the same time, this generally means that you have to compensate with aggressiveness (or skill) if you have lower levels than your opponent, i.e. try a deck with a lower curve and runners as finishers.
That said, the recently buffed Voidsurgers will likely be incredible and is absolutely worth including, so be wary of your placement with units below 6 strength. Also be sure to pack Confinement and/or Siren of the Seas, because they will provide a lot of value against any lumbering snow titans.
Check the community-provided decks for this brawl. You might find a deck that suits you, or that you can base your own creation on.
Possible Decks
Frostkhan’s Goddess Boon
This was the featured deck by Frostkhan and I think it still stands the test of time. The only card I’m not sure about is Frozen Core and could be replaced by Chilled Stonedames to have more even-cost cards and tempo.
As mentioned before, Siren of the Seas is important to be able to clear series of buffed up Frostlings. Same for Confinement, especially given Lady Rime is going to be packed in most decks.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Frosthexers5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Felflares5
- 3Wisp Cloud5
- 5Frozen Core5
- 5Rimelings5
- 5Voidsurgers5
- 6Lady Rime5
- 8Gift of the Wise5
- 9Siren of the Seas5
CriticalPancake’s Frost Deck
This deck looks like a pretty good aggressive option, although I’m not sure about the Frozen Core since it’s been nerfed, but the curve overall looks very decent. It could be that this kind of curve will be crushed by the new Voidsurgers, we will see.
SeveralPeople runs a very similar deck with Green Prototypes and Wild Saberpaws instead of Confinement and Lady Rime, which can be interesting to have cheaper options and potentially more board control.
- 2Frosthexers5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Felflares5
- 3Freebooters5
- 3Wisp Cloud5
- 5Chilled Stonedames5
- 5Frozen Core5
- 5Rimelings5
- 6Lady Rime5
- 8Gift of the Wise5
- 9Siren of the Seas5
Adig’s Frosty Feline Dwarf
A high-end option, capitalizing on runners can catch opponents off guard. Even something like Salty Outcasts in place of Olf the Hammer could work. It might struggle a little with clear hords of Frostlings with Siren of the Seas though, so beware.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Frosthexers5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Freebooters5
- 3Wisp Cloud5
- 5Frozen Core5
- 5Rimelings5
- 6Twilight Prowlers5
- 6Wolfcloaks5
- 8Gift of the Wise5
- 9Olf the Hammer5
So, to summarize:
- Deal with small units (Voidsurgers and Felflares).
- Deal with big units (i.e. Confinement, Siren of the Seas, counter Big Lady Rime with an even bigger one).
- Runners to win games.
- Stay frosty.
Use the Brawl calculator to plan your journey. To monitor your progress and keep track of your expenses during the Brawl, be sure to use the Brawl tracker.
See you on the battlefield! If you have any comment or suggestion, get in touch with oeni#7266 on Discord.
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